Last additions

Gens Maltinski NeimanJul 26, 2015

Friedmann Citron Klas-GlassJul 26, 2015

Aisenstadt ZaidelsonJul 26, 2015

AisenstadtJul 26, 2015

Isatschik (Gutman) RosaJul 26, 2015

Kind FallsteinJul 26, 2015

Dreut FriedmannJul 26, 2015

Josselov MarkusJul 26, 2015

EpsteinJul 26, 2015

Stumer Stummer JärveJul 26, 2015

Vigodski RachmielJul 26, 2015

DentschukJul 26, 2015

Brenner HirschJul 26, 2015

SchlikJul 26, 2015

LevitskiJul 26, 2015

Levin MarkJul 26, 2015

Levin MarkJul 26, 2015

Talis IgorJul 26, 2015

Schein IreneJul 26, 2015

Serman IsakJul 26, 2015

HalinJul 26, 2015

SobolevJul 26, 2015

Gomon InessaJul 26, 2015

BrennerJul 26, 2015

Nikolajeva NiinaJul 26, 2015

Voloschin ScheineJul 26, 2015

Schuljev LiliaJul 26, 2015

Tsalik BertaJul 26, 2015

FallsteinJul 26, 2015

StamblerJul 26, 2015

Ehrenstein RachelJul 26, 2015

Samoilov (Kaufman) DavidMay 11, 2015

Biek LeopoldApr 14, 2015

Biek LeopoldApr 14, 2015

Spungin (Spongin) Efraim and GerdaFeb 26, 2015

Rothstein Itzhak (Isidor)Feb 23, 2015

Kropman Taube (photo 1960)Dec 04, 2014

Rozhnieva (Braschinsky) LiaOct 30, 2014

Gordon ZojaOct 28, 2014

Gordon Viktor DrOct 28, 2014

The chapel of Schaja Levinovitsch. Architect Jacques Rosenbaum. Oct 16, 2014

Lewis (Levinovitsch) Ralph (Rafail)Sep 26, 2014

Roosi cemetery in 1982.Sep 19, 2014

Kan Julius Dr (1868-1936). Picture taken in 1936.Sep 18, 2014

HechtSep 17, 2014

HechtSep 17, 2014

FraimanSep 17, 2014

MatskinSep 17, 2014
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