Last additions - Estonia

Goldberg Samuel and Rosa (Mednikov)Dec 21, 2010

AlexanderDec 21, 2010

RochlinDec 21, 2010

RochlinDec 21, 2010

GutkinDec 21, 2010

AisenstadtDec 21, 2010

KindDec 21, 2010

KindDec 21, 2010

Israelsohn DrDec 21, 2010

Gordin Leib & LeaDec 21, 2010

MatskinDec 21, 2010

GleserDec 21, 2010

GleserDec 21, 2010

GrünbergDec 21, 2010

KulmanDec 21, 2010

VseviovDec 21, 2010

Gendel (Klompus) Mascha and Tsõpkin (Klompus) NataliaDec 21, 2010

Gendel Brodski KlompusDec 21, 2010

SverdlovDec 21, 2010

EpsteinDec 21, 2010

Levin BorisDec 21, 2010

PesinDec 21, 2010

MontDec 21, 2010

GammermanDec 21, 2010

HarchatDec 21, 2010

KatsevDec 21, 2010

RabinovitschDec 21, 2010

ZimbalovDec 21, 2010

HirschmanDec 21, 2010

DanzingDec 21, 2010

SchadsunskiDec 21, 2010

Haitin MenjaDec 21, 2010

Glaser BertaDec 21, 2010

SverdlovDec 21, 2010

SverdlovDec 21, 2010

PoljatskinDec 21, 2010

BeronDec 21, 2010

VaskinDec 21, 2010

LurjeDec 21, 2010

Lurje (Hell) LeaDec 21, 2010

Margolin Elena (Rubanovitsch)Dec 21, 2010

RubanovitschDec 21, 2010

RubanovitschDec 21, 2010

PrizantDec 21, 2010

SchatsDec 21, 2010

UtschitelDec 21, 2010

UmovDec 21, 2010

HoffDec 21, 2010
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