
Kладбища - Cemeteries

Rakvere Jewish cemetery


Part of the Paulus cemetery (Pauluse kalmistu). Rakvere, Lilleoru tn. 24.
"Use of the Jewish cemetery in Rakvere was allowed in the beginnig of 1870's. Before that Rakvere Jews had to bury at the Väike-Maarja Jewish cemetery" (Kopl Jokton "Juutide ajaloost Eestis").

58 files, last one added on Nov 23, 2010
Album viewed 451 times

Väike-Maarja old cemetery


Väike-Maarja, Pikk tn 27.
"selle idanurgal põhjapoolse peatee lõunaküljel Jakob Tamme ja Pika tn vahel on 9x21 m suurune, väga madala müüriga piiratud ala rituaalse kaevuga keskel. Sinna sängitati 19. saj algupoolel juudi kantoniste, keda tsaarivõimu poolt oli Eestisse toodud Poolast." - Paul Ariste kirjast.

"At the east corner between the Jakob Tamme and Pikk str. there is a 9x21 m fenced area with a very deep surrounding wall with a ritual well in the middle. In the beginning of the 19th century the Jewish cantonists were buried there. They were brought to Estonia from Poland." Prof. Paul Ariste

12 files, last one added on Dec 15, 2013
Album viewed 242 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)