
Kладбища - Cemeteries

Category Albums Files
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3 files, last one added on Mar 23, 2014
Album viewed 264 times


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1 files, last one added on Feb 21, 2012
Album viewed 287 times


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8 2,491
Tallinn Magasini tn. Jewish cemetery


Opened in 1790 (N. Gens). One can see a fenced Jewish cemetery on the 1856 Tallinn map. According to N. Gens the fences were made in 1845. On 1.10.1910 the cemetery was officially closed as the new cemetery was opened in Rahumäe. Still the last burial was around 1936. "Waba Maa" wrote on 1.6.1930 that the cemetery is now officially closed. The last burial was that of Moses Biek on 25.5.1930.

Schaje Levinovitsch's mausoleum, which was designed by the architect Jacques Rosenbaum was completed in the autumn of 1910. The cemetery (with mausoleum) was demolished in 1967 when a car park was built on that place.

Read about the cemetery here: in Estonian and in Russian .

16 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2014
Album viewed 332 times

Tallinn Rahumäe Jewish cemetery


Rahumäe tee 5, Tallinn
Built in 1909 and officially opened in 1911. The wooden burial chapel (Ohel) was built around 1910. Renovated in 2005.
During one night in 1973 the Holocaust memorial was built (it was not allowed for many years as "we do not need special memorials for Jewish people"). In 2009 it was moved to a new place near the entrance.

People buried in this cemetery can be found here

2424 files, last one added on Nov 25, 2017
Album viewed 1549 times

Tallinn Rahumäe cemetery (non-Jewish part)


4 files, last one added on Sep 17, 2014
Album viewed 431 times

Tallinn Liiva cemetery


Not a Jewish cemetery. Kalmistu tee 34, Tallinn. The cemetery was opened in 1935.

2 files, last one added on Jun 13, 2012
Album viewed 316 times

Tallinn Metsakalmistu cemetery


Not a Jewish cemetery. In Kloostrimetsa, near Tallinn. Established in 1933. Most of important people of Estonia are buried there. French Jews (Konvoi 73) and Polish and Lithuanian Jews (from Lagedi camp) were killed nearby. Read an excerpt from the memoirs here (in Estonian).

24 files, last one added on Aug 22, 2016
Album viewed 355 times

Tallinn Aleksandr Nevski cemetery


This russian Orthodox cemetery was opened already in 1775. Together with adjacent estonian Vana-Kaarli cemetery they form a so called Siselinna kalmistu (innercity cemetery)

4 files, last one added on Oct 01, 2015
Album viewed 236 times

Tallinn Hiiu Rahu cemetery


Not a Jewish cemetery. Established in 1919. Hiiu, Suurtüki t. 1

1 files, last one added on Jul 04, 2011
Album viewed 232 times

Tallinn Pärnamäe cemetery


Not a Jewish cemetery. Opened in 1963. The biggest cemetery in Estonia. Pärnamäe tee 36.

16 files, last one added on Aug 02, 2015
Album viewed 263 times

8 albums on 1 page(s)

1 27
Narva old cemetery


Narva old cemetery (1877-1919) - South of Siivertsi cemetery in the woods.
According to K. Jokton the oldest tombstone with inscription in Hebrew is from 1850.
37m x 76m (Vadim Iserlis, Narva). Now practically non-existent.

27 files, last one added on Jul 09, 2017
Album viewed 313 times


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2 70
Rakvere Jewish cemetery


Part of the Paulus cemetery (Pauluse kalmistu). Rakvere, Lilleoru tn. 24.
"Use of the Jewish cemetery in Rakvere was allowed in the beginnig of 1870's. Before that Rakvere Jews had to bury at the Väike-Maarja Jewish cemetery" (Kopl Jokton "Juutide ajaloost Eestis").

58 files, last one added on Nov 23, 2010
Album viewed 455 times

Väike-Maarja old cemetery


Väike-Maarja, Pikk tn 27.
"selle idanurgal põhjapoolse peatee lõunaküljel Jakob Tamme ja Pika tn vahel on 9x21 m suurune, väga madala müüriga piiratud ala rituaalse kaevuga keskel. Sinna sängitati 19. saj algupoolel juudi kantoniste, keda tsaarivõimu poolt oli Eestisse toodud Poolast." - Paul Ariste kirjast.

"At the east corner between the Jakob Tamme and Pikk str. there is a 9x21 m fenced area with a very deep surrounding wall with a ritual well in the middle. In the beginning of the 19th century the Jewish cantonists were buried there. They were brought to Estonia from Poland." Prof. Paul Ariste

12 files, last one added on Dec 15, 2013
Album viewed 243 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

1 5
Haapsalu cemetery


Before the WWII the Jewish cemetery was situated near the Lihula maantee, where is now Metsakalmistu (Forest cemetery). Even in 1950's one could see the remains of the graves.
Jewish cemetery mentioned in 1893 (Estländisches Verkehrs- und Adresbuch für 1893/1894. Riga 1893).

Haapsalu juudi kalmistu asus enne sõda Lihula mnt ääres, kus praegu Metsakalmistu ala. Veel 1950ndatel olnud seal näha hauamärkide jäänuseid kabeli esisel alal, kus praegu asub muruplats. Seega kadus juudi kalmistu Teise maailmasõja ajal ja järel ning hauatähiseid sellest ajast ei teata olevat. (Asta Veenpere, Läänemaa muuseum.)
In 1881 were 36 Jews
In 1889 - 17
In 1890 - 3 Jewish praying places (all from Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона)

5 files, last one added on Jan 13, 2013
Album viewed 245 times


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2 143
Pärnu cemetery (Pärnu Alevi Jewish cemetery)


Riia maantee.
Opened at the end of 1850's (K. Jokton). At WWI there was a military hospital in Pärnu and Jewish soldiers were buried here (Lea Haitov).

140 files, last one added on Oct 19, 2015
Album viewed 549 times

Pärnu Metsakalmistu (forrest cemetery)


Not a Jewish cemetery. Videviku 6, Pärnu

3 files, last one added on Apr 24, 2017
Album viewed 245 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

3 16
Kuressaare (Kudjape) cemetery


Jewish cemetery was part of today's Kudjape cemetery near Kuressaare, founded in 1780. No evidence found. It is known from the documents that all religions were burried at this cemetery.
The soldiers of WWII from both sides (soviet and german) are also burried there. No estonian Jewish names among the red army fighters burried.

Väikene juudi surnuaiaosa oli Kudjape (Kuressaare) kalmistul, kuid sellest ei ole praktiliselt midagi alles. (Põhiliselt likvideeriti see ilmselt Saksa ja hiljem samasse Nõukogude sõjaväekalmistu rajamisega.) Olavi Pesti - Kuressaare muuseum.
In 1881 there were 111 Jews in Kuressaare (census)
In 1887 - 80 (Brokhaus& Efron)
In 1931 - 35 (census)

8 files, last one added on Jul 21, 2011
Album viewed 248 times

Kuressaare - memorial to the victims of nazis


6 files, last one added on Jul 21, 2011
Album viewed 234 times

Kuressaare - Loode tammik (Loode Oak Forest)


2 files, last one added on Jul 21, 2011
Album viewed 531 times


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9 484
Tartu old cemetery


Tartu first cemetery (1846) - Raadi, Surnuaia t. The cemetery is situated near the entrance to the Vana Jaani kalmistu (Old Jaani cemetery). Already marked on the area map of 1846-1850 (EAA.995.1.6544). According to K. Jokton 10 families got permission to bury their relatives in 1859. On the 1876 map the cemetery is already four times larger.

Used information from the register of Tartu cultural assets (http://www.tartu.ee)

"Rajamisaeg: 19.s. I pool
Asukoht: Raadi
Kirjeldus: Asub Vana- Jaani kalmistu peasissepääsu lähedal. Praegu võsastunud ja mahajäetud. 1970. aastatel oli arh. U. Tiirmaa teatel alles kaks hauakivi. 2002. a. kevadel on säilinud üks hallist graniidist hauakivi.
Juudi kalmistu asukoht on märgitud Vana- Jaani kalmistu plaanil 1846- 1850.a. ( EAA F. 995, N1, SÜ 6544, l 4 ). K. Joktoni andmetel said 10 juudi perekonda linnalt Raadi kalmistu kaguküljele matmiseks maad 1859. a. Esimene sinna maetu oli külakaupmees Wainrok. 1870. a. oli vahepeal laiendatud kalmistu ümbritsetud väravaga aiaga. 1876.a. plaanil on kalmistu juba umbes neli korda suuremana näidatud. 1900. aastaga dateeritud plaanil on juba olemas ka Roosi ja Jänese t. nurgale rajatud juudi surnuaed ( vt. register )."

25 files, last one added on Jul 04, 2017
Album viewed 300 times

Tartu Roosi tn. Jewish cemetery


Tartu second cemetery (1895) - Roosi t. 44

"Rajamisaeg: 1895. a.
Asukoht: Jänese ja Roosi t. ristmik
Kirjeldus: Asub vanausuliste kalmistu kõrval. Jänese ja Roosi t. poolsel küljel piiratud müüriga, lääne ja loodeküljel aiaga. Värav asub Roosi t. pool. Sakraalhoone puudub, põhjaküljel asub kaks mausoleumi. Kalmistuvahi maja paikneb edelanurgas piirdemüüri taga. Kalmistusse maeti kuni II Maailmasõjani. Praegu mahajäetud.
Lühiinfo: Tartu juudi kogukond rentis Jänese t kalmistu linnalt 1895. a. ja maksis iga ruutmeetri eest 1 kopika renti. Sinna on maetud Tartu juudi kogukonna esimesed esimehed ja rabi. 2000. a. detsembris andis linn kalmistu uuesti juudi kogukonnale."

227 files, last one added on Jul 07, 2017
Album viewed 591 times

Tartu Lohkva (Räpina tee) Jewish cemetery


Tartu current cemetery (1935- ) - Räpina tee
Opened 22.9.1935

"Rajamisaeg: 1935.a.
Asukoht: Räpina mnt.
Kirjeldus: Asub linna administratiivpiiridest väljas Räpina mnt. ääres, idaküljel. Piiratud müüriga. Tegutsev.
Lühiinfo: 1935. a. ostsid juudid tuhande krooni eest Lohkvas 1576 rm maad ning rajasid sinna kalmistu.
Tartus on olnud kolm juudi surnuaeda ( Raadil, Roosi ja Jänese t. ristmiku lähedal ). Tartu juudi kogudus alustas tegevust 1918.a., sünagoog Turu tänaval valmis juba 1903.a. ( arh. Pohlmann ). See oli ilma kindla stiilita kodaehitus ( vt Vana- Juudi kalmistu ). Sakslased hävitasid hoone 1944. a. süütepudelite ja granaatidega. Tartus oli enne II Maailmasõda ka nn Väike sünagoog. See oli ehitatud 1872. a. ja asus Raatuse tänaval.
Kalmistu territooriumil tohib vastavalt juudi seadustele viibida ainult peakattega."

203 files, last one added on Jul 08, 2017
Album viewed 533 times

Tartu Raadi cemetery


Not a Jewish cemetery.
Since 1773.
The old Jewish cemetery is part of this cemetery.
At Vana Jaani part are buried many famous scientists and arts people.

10 files, last one added on Aug 30, 2013
Album viewed 272 times

Tartu Pauluse (Ropka-Tamme) cemetery


Established in 1913. Võru str 75a, Tartu. A Lutheran cemetery.

5 files, last one added on Apr 06, 2017
Album viewed 262 times

Elva cemetery


This is not a Jewish cemetery. Established in 1924. Vaikne t. 41.

3 files, last one added on Jul 14, 2011
Album viewed 222 times

Võnnu vald


1 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2011
Album viewed 227 times

"Juudi kalmistu". Puhja vald, Mäeselja küla.


This area is called "Juudi kalmistu" (Jewish cemetery). One can see the remains of the old stone border of the cemetery. No gravestones are seen except that of the local Rev. (probably). However, the name of the place and the story of the local resident Aleksander Andreiasjan suggest that it was indeed a Jewish cemetery (or Jewish part of the local cemetery). Aleksander clearly remembers the star of David and Hebrew letters on the stones 20-25 years ago.

7 files, last one added on Jul 14, 2011
Album viewed 238 times



3 files, last one added on Mar 19, 2017
Album viewed 232 times


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1 284
Valga (Valka) Jewish cemetery


Today in Valka (Latvia) - Varonu str. 27/29
Used since 1860 (K. Jokton)

284 files, last one added on May 22, 2014
Album viewed 540 times


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1 78
Võru cemetery


Opened in the end of 1860's (K. Jokton). Kose tee 2.

78 files, last one added on Jul 27, 2013
Album viewed 463 times


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1 97
Viljandi Jewish cemetery


Viiratsi vald, Vana-Võidu küla.
Opened in the end of 1860's (K. Jokton). In May 1880 mentioned in the newspaper Sakala article (Kalle Pullmann)

97 files, last one added on Mar 21, 2017
Album viewed 537 times


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2 27
Helsinki - old part of the new cemetery in Hietaniemi


The old Jewish graveyard, located within the large Hietaniemi cemetery, is fenced off and not in use any more. It can be accessed from Lapilahdentie street (the gate is often closed). It was established in 1830's-1840's.

22 files, last one added on Jan 30, 2011
Album viewed 221 times

Turku cemetery


A moribund Orthodox Jewish community hit its peak in 1940-41. The cemetery is hidden behind a high stone wall and iron gates in the midst of hundreds of Lutheran plots. (http://www.kosherfinland.com)

5 files, last one added on Jan 29, 2011
Album viewed 225 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

1 0
Germany all

Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in german cemeteries.

0 files
Album viewed 0 times


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0 0
Ashdod and surroundings
3 24
Ashdod cemetery


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in Ashdod cemetery.

22 files, last one added on Nov 04, 2016
Album viewed 231 times

Gan Yavne


1 files, last one added on Nov 17, 2017
Album viewed 173 times

Kfar Menachem


1 files, last one added on Nov 02, 2015
Album viewed 212 times


3 albums on 1 page(s)

1 3
Ashkelon cemetery


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in Ashkelon cemetery

3 files, last one added on Feb 27, 2013
Album viewed 225 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Ber Sheva
1 1
Ber Sheva cemetery


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in Ber Sheva cemetery.

1 files, last one added on Dec 09, 2017
Album viewed 148 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Haifa and North
9 86
All Haifa area cemeteries


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in Haifa cemeteries.

48 files, last one added on Oct 18, 2013
Album viewed 226 times

Kibbutz Afikim


5 files, last one added on Dec 30, 2013
Album viewed 219 times

Kibbutz Ein Gev


4 files, last one added on Jan 20, 2011
Album viewed 218 times

Kibbutz Ein Harod Ichud


2 files, last one added on Apr 04, 2013
Album viewed 217 times

Kibbutz Ginosar


1 files, last one added on Sep 19, 2013
Album viewed 217 times

Kibbutz Kfar Blum


7 files, last one added on Jan 20, 2011
Album viewed 213 times

Kibbutz Kfar Giladi


8 files, last one added on Jan 20, 2011
Album viewed 223 times

Kibbutz Kfar Hanasi


2 files, last one added on Feb 25, 2011
Album viewed 226 times

Kibbutz Kineret


9 files, last one added on Jan 20, 2011
Album viewed 234 times


9 albums on 1 page(s)

Jerusalem and surroundings
1 14
All Jerusalem area cemeteries


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in Jerusalem area cemeteries.

14 files, last one added on Jul 04, 2017
Album viewed 224 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Kfar Saba and surroundings
2 7
Kfar Saba


6 files, last one added on Jun 02, 2017
Album viewed 216 times

Sde Warburg


1 files, last one added on Jan 05, 2011
Album viewed 212 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

Ness Ziona, Rishon Lezion, Rehovot, Kfar Mordechai
6 11
Bet Hanan


1 files, last one added on Sep 09, 2013
Album viewed 210 times

Kfar Mordechai


7 files, last one added on Apr 18, 2014
Album viewed 223 times

Ness Ziona cemetery


1 files, last one added on Oct 13, 2016
Album viewed 222 times

Mazkeret Batya


1 files, last one added on Mar 04, 2017
Album viewed 197 times

Rehovot cemetery


1 files, last one added on Dec 27, 2016
Album viewed 206 times

Rishon Lezion cemetery

0 files
Album viewed 0 times

6 albums on 1 page(s)

2 6
Netania military cemetery


1 files, last one added on May 04, 2011
Album viewed 215 times

Vatikim cemetery


5 files, last one added on Sep 17, 2015
Album viewed 220 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

Petach Tikva
1 3
Petach Tikva cemetery


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in Petach Tikva cemetery.

3 files, last one added on Mar 24, 2016
Album viewed 237 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Tel-Aviv and surroundings
6 86
Holon cemetery


20 files, last one added on Feb 15, 2016
Album viewed 223 times

Hayarkon cemetery


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in Hayarkon cemetery.

10 files, last one added on Jun 02, 2017
Album viewed 232 times

Kiryat-Shaul cemetery


42 files, last one added on Nov 13, 2017
Album viewed 216 times

Nachlat Itzhak cemetery


9 files, last one added on Apr 04, 2017
Album viewed 218 times

Trumpeldor cemetery


4 files, last one added on Apr 21, 2011
Album viewed 221 times

Kfar Shmaryahu


1 files, last one added on Jan 03, 2011
Album viewed 218 times

6 albums on 1 page(s)

1 3
Latvia all


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in latvian cemeteries.

3 files, last one added on Oct 30, 2016
Album viewed 229 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

1 0
Lithuania all

Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in lithuanian cemeteries.

0 files
Album viewed 0 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

1 10
Russia all


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in russian cemeteries.

10 files, last one added on Dec 19, 2017
Album viewed 223 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

South Africa
1 4
South Africa all


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in SA cemeteries.

4 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2018
Album viewed 215 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

1 5
Sweden all


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in swedish cemeteries.

5 files, last one added on Nov 30, 2017
Album viewed 221 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

1 1
Ukraine all


1 files, last one added on Nov 30, 2017
Album viewed 150 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

1 30
USA all


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in USA cemeteries.

30 files, last one added on Jan 07, 2018
Album viewed 224 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Rest of the countries
1 6
Rest - all


Here you can add pictures of the gravestones of estonian Jewish people buried in all other countries cemeteries. New cemetery albums will be built as needed.

6 files, last one added on Oct 03, 2017
Album viewed 226 times


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4,033 files in 76 albums and 33 categories with 0 comments viewed 21,789 times

Funerals and Hevra Kadisha (Burial society)


6 files, last one added on Nov 23, 2010
Album viewed 232 times



1 files, last one added on Nov 27, 2010
Album viewed 219 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)